Welcome to Discover Campania dedicated to the island of Ischia!           cartina Campania

For a breathtaking sunset, after a monorail ride, the "Mediterranean Garden"

Representative of the agricultural soul of the green island, the restaurant offers the flavors of traditional Ischia cuisine thanks to the genuine products of the home garden.

Accessed via an uphill stretch of about 100 meters on a monorail, a real fun for those visiting the company for the first time. Alternatively, there is a path of 164 steps crossing the entire vineyard ..

Da Gustare

Degustazione di vini e cibi genuini della nostra terra, panorama mozzafiato, atmosfera d’altri tempi ed in più….viaggio in monorotaia …ti aspettiamo.

Via Nuova dei Conti, 43 - Ischia
Cell.: 3351319722